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Good morning!
All fish arrived without issue and all look healthy. One, the Golden Pigeon, was laying on his side for a bit once I put him in but ...More
All fish arrived without issue and all look healthy. One, the Golden Pigeon, was laying on his side for a bit once I put him in but ...More
Good morning!
All fish arrived without issue and all look healthy. One, the Golden Pigeon, was laying on his side for a bit once I put him in but was up and around after a couple hours. He still is a bit lethargic but is hanging out with the others.
but seems to be breathing a little more rapidly than the rest.
They are a bit shy but are starting to venture out. I tried feeding them this morning with frozen bloodworms. They didn;t show much interest at first. The 2 turquoise and one cobalt started eating from the tank floor. The yellow pigeon appears to be spitting them out and the red marlboro and golden pigeon are not interested at all. I was going to try some beefheart this afternoon.
I have the temp set at 86. Levels are pH: 6.8, KH: 30, GH: 60. Sand substrate with live plants (Swords, anubias and java fern. 6 hour light cycle at medium to low light. 12 rummynose, 3 phantom tetras, 1 cory (can't keep corys alive at this temp I think. I tried Sterbais but I think I might try Adolphi's).
Food on hand: Frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, frozen beefheart, NLS Discus pellets.
Good morning!
All fish arrived without issue and all look healthy. One, the Golden Pigeon, was laying on his side for a bit once I put him in but ...More
All fish arrived without issue and all look healthy. One, the Golden Pigeon, was laying on his side for a bit once I put him in but ...More
Good morning!
All fish arrived without issue and all look healthy. One, the Golden Pigeon, was laying on his side for a bit once I put him in but was up and around after a couple hours. He still is a bit lethargic but is hanging out with the others.
but seems to be breathing a little more rapidly than the rest.
They are a bit shy but are starting to venture out. I tried feeding them this morning with frozen bloodworms. They didn;t show much interest at first. The 2 turquoise and one cobalt started eating from the tank floor. The yellow pigeon appears to be spitting them out and the red marlboro and golden pigeon are not interested at all. I was going to try some beefheart this afternoon.
I have the temp set at 86. Levels are pH: 6.8, KH: 30, GH: 60. Sand substrate with live plants (Swords, anubias and java fern. 6 hour light cycle at medium to low light. 12 rummynose, 3 phantom tetras, 1 cory (can't keep corys alive at this temp I think. I tried Sterbais but I think I might try Adolphi's).
Food on hand: Frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, frozen beefheart, NLS Discus pellets.
Here is the pair from you with their most recent spawn.
Arrived, feeding and chasing each other already
Yes I’am they are doing great and adjusted fine. I will be coming back to you for sure. Great looking fish you sent me.
Yes I’am they are doing great and adjusted fine. I will be coming back to you for sure. Great looking fish you sent me.
Yes I’am they are doing great and adjusted fine. I will be coming back to you for sure. Great looking fish you sent me.
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